Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thirty (30!) Days and Counting

Well foks, here we are...a mere 30 days away from the move of all moves! Our house is now listed and we're looking for renters - the VISA paperwork is in it's final stages - lists are taking over my life as I attempt to prioritize my tasks and shop for all the "must-haves" before we leave. Most people assume I am hard at work packing up our lives but in fact I am in full "sort" mode. The packers will do the actual boxing up of everything so my job is to decide what will go with us on the airplane, what we will ship via slow boat, what we will put into storage, and what we don't want to have to eventually unpack in two years (so Goodwill gets it).

Not much of an update, I know, but check out Mike's contribution on our website: web.mac.com/fendog. He added a FAQ section - lots of great info!

1 comment:

Tanti said...

Hey what is the Mandarin word for Tanti and Uncle Boo Boo Chicken Chicken?