Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm fine...really

I am the type of person who for some reason, gets a little obsessive about very ordinary things that to most other people, have little meaning.  For example, I have a thing with birthdays...I like them to be even numbers or if odd, to be divisible by five...neither of my girls births worked out by the way (one is the 7th and the other the 21st).  Or if someone has an unusual manner of speaking (voice/articulation), I tend to lock into that and hear very little of what they actually say.  Where am I going with this?  Well, I also use expiration dates as kind of "markers" about important events.  Like if the milk is expiring on December 27th then I get excited because I think, "By the time the milk is old, Christmas will have come and gone!"  The bottom line for this blog is: there are several things in my refrigerator that will expire AFTER we're in China...this is just a little too real, a little too life-changing - our move date is close.  Am I making any sense?  Is there something disturbing about obsessing about a very ordinary date on a very ordinary salad dressing bottle?

So there you have it - perhaps it is a accurate reflection on my state of mind right now: scattered, anxious, paranoid, overwhelmed, disbelieving.  It's enough to make me want to take a NAP...  According to the countdown clock Mike has put on our computer, we have 16 days, 3hours and 11 minutes until we are on our way to China.  Perhaps you can see his state of mind - excited, confident, ready, giddy, and fully on board with no backward glances.

The truth is, we are making progress toward the move and there is quite a bit involved - I won't bore you with the details other than to say one of my anxiety cures seems to be shopping (for all those things I am fearful I won't find on the other side of earth).  My shopping "therapy" would not be possible without my mom who takes Erin nearly every day so she can play with my niece and nephew. In my defense, the three kids have been together every day since they were newborns so they just don't know any different - they want to be together to play.  But it has truly been a great gig for the last few months - a stay at home mom without any kids to look after.  It's about as good as it gets, huh?  (Thank you Mom!)  While in China, I may have to turn on the computer cam and lock the kids in the room with it so my mom can watch them and I can have peace :)


Andra said...

Although I can't relate to your move, Geneal, I hear your heart! Hang in there girl and don't fear anything. God has you in the palm of his hand! In the meantime...I think retail therapy is a beautiful thing (God made shopping malls, right?)

Yukiko Flennaugh said...

It will be fun watching you progress on the emotional roller coaster that we went through. Still, as your China neighbors I think I will get a wall built between our doors. You are scaring me! :) We are so looking forward to you getting here!! (and i think they got the bug infestation cleared up in your place)- Damon

Debi said...

I think the countdown clock would do me in! It's bad enough the countdown clock in my head, let alone one staring at me from the computer!! Your description of Mike could be a description of my Mike... We'll be thinking of you! See you in 6 weeks.

Kaltaler Korner said...

I am excited to follow your big move. What a wonderful opportunity to see another culture. Our family will be moving to Dalian in October.