Sunday, January 31, 2010

Insert chattering teeth here...and here...

Harbin is located in northeast China and is home to the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival - even before we came to China I had seen the amazing pictures that someone had put together in a slideshow and then forwarded to the masses. It's only about an hour and a half plane ride from Dalian and there was no doubt - we must go! So now it is checked off our list...shivered there...froze the pictures to prove it.

It really was a great weekend with lots of memories and beautiful pictures. We started our Saturday with a trip to the Siberian Tiger Park. Only in China can you board a small bus and ride into the frozen tundra where tigers are roaming.

One side of the window could open so you could get clear pictures - it had bars though, so no worries! Here is Emma, enjoying the view...

When a tiger walked right up to our window and started licking we screamed with excitement, with a bit of fear...telling Emma to keep her fingers was CRAZY! The tiger in question then turned, fluffed up his tail and SPRAYED our window... Let us not forget that Emma was standing - face pressed up to the bars on the open window. We will be forever grateful to that tiger for spraying the closed side, mere inches away from where we could have had a very different outcome. We just kept thinking, "What if Emma had gotten sprayed? Her face, her coat, her hair...!"

We got off the bus and walked to where the tigers were caged and you could pay 50RMB (about $7US) for a live chicken and feed it to the tigers piƱata style. Mike was all over was actually rather disturbing...

The pipes are in the way but trust me on this - there was a blindingly fast grab and one little chicken was devoured.

Mike and I with our travel buddies, Damon and Yukiko in front of a really impressive snow sculpture.

We toured the snow sculptures for awhile and Emma rode on a snow scooter (?).

Erin had had enough at this point and was in full whine mode - this meant that I also had had enough!

I can't really describe the Ice Festival itself because it is beauty and skill that reaches beyond mere words. Something else that can't be described? The cold...and the dilemma of Erin needing to pee - she was wearing four layers top and bottom and the only choice would be a squatty port-a-potty. Not going to happen, folks...she was crying but I was willing to risk an accident. (FYI, we did make it back to the hotel in time but it wasn't my finest parenting moment).

Here are a few pictures...

That's me in the back, in case you're wondering about the giant ninja :)

Emma on the ice slide.

Here's our travel group enjoying some shelter and some REALLY BAD hot cocoa.

Our final adventure led us to the local river...froze over of course, but with a giant hole cut into it so the locals (or "locos" if you will) can swim. Now that's entertainment!

Simply unbelievable...good thing he has on his swimming gloves!

Before the swimmers came out, Emma and Erin were the main attraction.

I shall leave you with this last photo, just because it's one of my favorites!

There are more pictures and updates on our website - December and January have been updated!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Just to hold you a snack...

Bu hao yisi...(pronounced "boo how eesa") means: embarrassed...oops... Bu hao yisi! Can't believe I haven't blogged in so long! I am going to get back on track with sharing the goings on in our world - but not today! Today is just a quick update and next week I will start where I left off (back to Thanksgiving I think!).

Since my last blog in mid-November: it turned cold...we went to Shanghai for got colder...we went to Arizona for Christmas and New Year' was a blissful 75 degrees...we came back to has graduated to "freakin' freezing"...and this weekend we are going to the famous Harbin Ice Festival where temps will top out at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. So there you you have it!

Yes, it IS cold, but really, that is not what dominates my every thought - maybe every other thought. Here is a little funny from yesterday morning (a windy, snowy, 16 degree Fahrenheit morning): When I was bundling the girls up for school Erin said, "I just want to wear my coat hat!" So I got out the cute little pink beanie that goes with her coat but..."No! I want my coat hat!" After a moment of confusion, I realized what she meant was HER HOOD. Yes, I still have desert darlings who apparently don't know the word for the hangy-down-head-cover-thing attached to a coat!

Here are a few photos to help you feel the cold...

One of the bus drivers for the school made this adorable snowman - this is quite an achievement considering that the snow is VERY dry - not good for snowballs or snowmen!

This is the day we returned from sunny Arizona - while I was inside putting on my fleece, the girls were thoroughly enjoying the snow.

They put these "windshields" up all over the place to protect the trees...brrr...lots of wind here.

The view from our balcony at the beginning of January. It was the biggest snowfall here in something like 20 years.

No, my daughters are not looking Chinese (yet). Just an image of how the locals bundle up their kids - face masks like this are a must, and they all wear at least two layers of pants (often three - and they are thick and wooly!)

Look closely...this is a winter-equipped motorcycle taxi (aka - suicide on two wheels). Notice the furry seat and the oven mitt-like gloves attached to the handlebars. Believe it or not you can fit a family of four on one of these + the driver!