Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh my...

Just wanted to share a sweet and rather comical moment that must be documented as part of our future lives as "alien residents" of China: As Emma and I were driving home from school today she said, "Mom, there are only two Chinese kids in my class." To which I responded, "Oh, who?" Emma, with all sincerity said, "Me and Mailan".

If you are a parent or even anyone who has spent any time at all with kids, you know the feeling of wanting to burst with laughter and then run to tell the first person you see! I promptly turned up the radio in the back (so Emma wouldn't hear me repeat the story) and called Mike to say, "See what you've done!??!" So there you have it, our 6-year-old now thinks that she is indeed, Chinese.

I guess in some ways I am grateful that she does not get caught up in the physical features that make us all different. Rather she sees people, in all their diversity, as essentially the same. Priceless, huh?


Karen said...

That is so cute! I can totally see her saying that!

Yukiko Flennaugh said...

hilarious ! I love it.

David and Sarah Heese said...

Got to love the 6 year old!!!! David and I laughed so hard when we read this. Keep the blogs coming, we love reading them even though we are dreading the fact that you are leaving.

Anonymous said...

I about pee'd my pants when I read this one! Miss you guys!

Andra said...

That was awesome....:) So cute!!!