Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blogger's Block - Take Two

It's true...I have what I have termed, "Blogger's Block".  If Webster's adds it to their dictionary, I want credit!  This is the third blog entry I have started and the second one entitled "Blogger's Block" (hence the 'take two' in the title). Here's an idea that might help: if you have a question for me about my life on the other side of the earth, send it to me...maybe I will do better if I have a specific focus for my blog entries.  Ugh...the teacher and aspiring writer in me is a bit disgusted by my lack of focus and motivation!  

And just so I don't ramble on about a million different things, here is my focus for today: Back to School!

Emma and Erin will begin their school year at Dalian American International School on August 13th.  After a 5-10 minute walk to the palace-like private school which is across from our condo, the girls will be at school from about 8:45 to 3:45.  Emma will be a second grader (gasp!) and Erin will be in Pre-Kindergarten (sob!).  Erin so far is thrilled at the idea of going to school with the big kids but I am having some issues with her being gone ALL day.  Class sizes here are, without exception, limited to 18 students.  Both girls will start with about 12 kids in their class and more will be added as more Intel families move to Dalian in the coming year. They will have Chinese class every day at school (they have been taking private lessons over the summer and are doing really well).  They also have music, PE, library, computers, art, and science spaced throughout the week.  

As for me, I plan to help at school and even substitute when they need me.  It's strange to have gone from being on-the-go-super-busy to...hangin'-around-wondering-what-do.  I have been cooking and baking more...working out some...chatting with the other moms lots...reading every day...trying to learn Chinese...but it's different - somedays I am grateful and at peace and other days I just miss being in a place where I can drive to where I'd like to go - my mom's, Target, the mall, Rigatony's, anywhere that speaks English and has a good bathroom.  I guess I'm longing for home a bit lately...the newness has worn off and I am a bit restless.

I think I will end here and publish this post before I have to start "Blogger's Block - Take Three".  Please check our website: for the July recap in pictures.  Some are on Facebook but I think there are some new ones and the captions on the site are from Mike.

***Now...will somebody PLEASE go to Paradise Bakery and order (and enjoy) a Southwest Chicken Caesar Salad and giant Diet Coke with lots of ice?!  Do this and think of me :)


Kaltaler Korner said...

Hello there - my name is Michelle and my husband is Ben. We just got back from our house hunting trip to Dalian. And we ate at the Modern Coarse Grain Restaurant. Their food is quite tasty.

I would love to ask questions about your move. How many pieces of luggage did you take? And was it crazy at the airport with the kids and the luggage? Any suggestions? We have 3 kids and I am not looking forward to the flight there with the kids.

Alison said...

Would you still like a splash of Coke in that drink? And what about the cookie? Or does that just make you too sad?
Miss you!

Kristy said...

I will... I love that salad! I forget how much we eat alike! Well, the new school sounds amazing and the opportunities seem endless for you all! We miss you too! But soon now that we are in school mode the holidays will be here and you will be home visiting..right!!! I am jealous, enjoy your peace and quiet:)!! Love you!

Karen said...

We miss you! Our new principal is great, I don't know if you have heard...not to make you more homesick, but you know...for when you come back...