I'm not sure of the exact moment when Emma decided that she wanted to grow her hair long. But I do remember she and Mike talking about taking it a step further - grow it, cut it, and then donate it to Locks of Love. We talked about what it would mean for little girls who have lost their own hair to diseases like cancer or alopecia to receive a gift of hair from a stranger. We showed Emma the website and she really didn't need convincing, she was on board immediately. I, of course, supported the idea and was proud that she was willing to make such a sacrifice. I hadn't thought about the days far into the future when that increasingly long hair would also mean tangles and fights and tears... So, needless to say, I am counting down the days until it is cut - maybe 15 days or so? I'm even thinking that after my stop at Starbucks on the way home from the airport, we may stop and chop! (Not really...but definitely within a few days of being in AZ).
Emma is excited for a new look and is, at the moment, pressing for getting her ears pierced as part of the "new and improved" Emma. Most days, she does her own hair which means she pulls it back in a low ponytail...it will be quite a change to have a chin-length style but we're ready! Enjoy the pictures...will post her new look in about a month!
"Hmmmm....I wonder how much my hair has grown since the first day of school?"
"This photo was taken last August on my first day of second grade."
"Look at me now!"
"Is this your reaction too??!! I KNOW! It's CRAZY!"
"And speaking of CRAZY - this is my hair after my mom spent THREE hours unbraiding it after our trip to Thailand!"
(Doesn't really go with this blog but I've been looking for an excuse to share this one! Funny huh?)