A Chinese Wedding
Going to a Chinese wedding is among the many things I knew I would like to do while we are living here. We got the opportunity when we received an invitation from Mike's co-worker to her wedding. We received the invitation only eight days before the event. I guess this is normal - no two month notice like we're used to. Even more exciting (or stress-inducing) was she wanted Emma and Erin to be IN the wedding. After a few moments of panic - what will they wear? do they rehearse their parts? will they actually do it when it's such an unknown environment? - I was put at ease by fellow ex-pats who have been there. All I had to do was dress them in something pretty and show up - not too difficult.
Erin carried the rings down the aisle (yes, she is wearing angel wings). She nearly lost it but kept it together and was a hit.
I love this picture...
Emma carried a candle and it was used to light a unity candle. She loved this experience and said she felt "very important".
The ceremony was officiated by an MC and at times it felt a bit like a game show. We understood about 2% (that might be generous) of what was said but it was fun.
We arrived at the restaurant about 30 minutes before the wedding - most guests arrived about 30 seconds before...
The ceremony, dinner, etc. was all held in a restaurant and we think that approximately 20 dishes were served. We recognized only some of it but tried most of it. Thank goodness the girls aren't picky eaters!
Our Visit to Dandong, China
This past weekend we visited Dandong, a city about 3 hours north of us. The city borders North Korea and is home to the eastern end of the Great Wall. We had a great time and really enjoyed experiencing a little more of what China had to offer. I will post more pictures on my Facebook page and Mike will put lots on our webpage. Here is a sample...
This is the view of North Korea from the other side of the Yalu River. We walked out on the bridge that the US bombed at the start of the Korean War. We were a spectacle too, of course, lots of photo ops for the girls and for me, a disappointing but not surprising realization of my 'barely there' Chinese skills. Notice the ferris wheel in the background...all part of the facade to make it look like a normal, fun place to live. It's all very mysterious and creepy.
Here we are at the Great Wall of China...everyone should see it...
Erin and Emma amazed me with their climbing skills. Many of the steps were like this - knee high for Erin and steep! I followed the girls example and didn't whine even once!
Yep, we made it up and over the hill! The weather was overcast and cool and the landscape was breathtaking (or was that the thousands of steps we climbed?).
We didn't whine, but we did take a few breaks!
Here is the view looking down once we made it to the top. I can guarantee you that I was more nervous than the girls...the handrail is my friend.
We had heard that if you could make it all the way, there was a boat to take you back to the beginning...the locals pointed this way and so we went... There is a "look" that I give Mike in moments like this...his reply is always the same, "It's all part of the adventure!" That it is!
And just in case we hadn't had enough adventure, here is the luxury liner that returned us to the entrance...if only you could see it up close...again, I gave 'the look' and Mike added to the usual reply by saying, "It's no big deal, you know how to swim!"
Just for Fun
As for the normal, day to day stuff that makes up our life here in the PRC, here are a few fun pictures...
Emma saved some money and pitched in to buy herself a new bike. Here she is ready to ride home after school.
Erin is taking ballet after school (the dance room is in the school). I almost thought she wouldn't make the cut because she had to be tall enough to get her leg on top of the bar. It's a stretch, but she can do it!
Ugh...this is a loooong blog...but there is so much I want to share! Check Facebook and our website in the coming week to see more pictures. We will be home for a quick 2-week visit on Saturday and hope to see many of you! If we can't see you this time, we will be home for a longer visit in December and we will get together then!